Friday, June 25, 2010

Living In Expectation - June 25, 2010

One of the lessons that Umit is trying to teach me is that we all need to have much higher expectations for our lives.

Far too often, we settle for table scraps when a veritable feast is waiting for us in the universe if only we will expect more, if only we will believe more, if only we will dream more, if only we will ask for more.

Earlier this week, I was overwhelmed when I received three additional donations on my blog. Umit just smiled and said, "More is coming." When I asked her why, she said that I was extremely clear with what I asked the universe - benevolence to travel through Turkey and the dream of having money left over for charity.

"Now you will get both," she laughed.

This morning, I received an additional $100 dollar donation, which means that 12 days into my journey I have more money in my pocket than when I left the United States.

God certainly must have a sense of humor because this month-long journey is starting to look like one of the strangest fund raisers ever for Doctors Without Borders, Catholic Relief Services, and Save the Children.

It is as if the universe is telling me, "Come on, Mark. Your expectations for benevolence are way too low."

Travel Note:

I am writing to you from an Internet Cafe in Selçuk, which is just outside Ephesus. It might be a day or two before I am back in touch. As always, thanks for reading my blog.


  1. I had no doubts whatsoever. It is great to be able to follow you on your journey.

  2. Loving following you, Mark. It took your going around the wold for me to catch up with you when we live 120 miles apart. Hmmmm.
    Congrats on this great trip. Can't wait for what's coming in Turkey.
    Jenny (Nicol) Costantino

  3. Thanks for your comment. It is great to hear from you.

    I hope all is well.
