Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Deceased Box - June 2, 2010

I saw something at the doctor's office today that reminded me why I decided to begin this journey more than ten months ago.

After getting my annual physical, I was sitting in the laboratory waiting to have some blood work done. In the corner of the lab, stood several shelves of what appeared to be patient records. At the base of one of the shelves, I noticed a nondescript, cardboard box with the words "Deceased - April 2010" on the side.

The box was crammed full of years of medical records of once-living patients that are now nothing but manila envelopes in the "Deceased" bin.

A sobering realization struck me in the gut like a sucker punch - one day we will all end up in some kind of impersonal "Deceased" box that will likely just be a dust collector stacked in a corner of a room or left forgotten in some cold, steel filing cabinet.

The "Deceased" box can't be avoided, so it's up to each of us to decide how we'll spend our time between now and then.

It's ironic that earlier this week my good friends, Mike and Donna, sent me an e-mail to wish me luck on my trip. The e-mail contained several inspirational quotes about embracing life and embracing new experiences, quotes that they are trying to live by in their retirement. One of my favorite is from Helen Keller, who said, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

The way I figure it, we might as well try to live our dreams to the fullest now because one day we'll all get dropped into the "Deceased" box. The trouble is none of us knows if that will happen in the next decade, next year, or next week.


The donations continue to flow in. I am now up to $272. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have your support. I really am touched by your generosity. Thanks!

Also, the CouchSurfing experiment, so far, is reaping some rewards. Already, two people in Izmir have offered to possibly host me, and I've been communicating with a friend of a friend who is going to try to help establish some contacts for me in Istanbul and Bursa. In addition, I'm awaiting word back from a couple of other potential contacts.

I'll keep you posted.

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