Monday, July 19, 2010

The Ripples Continue Spreading - July 19,2010

This morning, I was talking with one of my neighbors about my trip to Turkey and said one of the things that I found most amazing about the experience was how the word spread about my project over the internet, even though, until May, I told only six people about my blog.

Yet, to date, I have had 3,205 visits to my site from 39 U.S. states, 37 foreign countries and two territories.

I chose a blog for my project because I wanted to show my kids that with the internet a person doesn't need a lot of money, a lot of power, or a lot of connections to get noticed. All a person needs is a dream.

During my trip, both a newspaper and a television station in Turkey's third largest city, Izmir, did stories on my trip. A couple of hours ago, I received word that an internet news service today in Izmir also did a story. Here's the link, although it is in Turkish.

I continue to be humbled by the reaction to my trip, and I'll leave you with this thought. If an unknown, public school teacher from a small city of 27,000 people can use the internet to get noticed in 38 countries and to find people willing to finance a month-long trip in Turkey, what can you achieve over the internet?

The world is hungry for new ideas and new dreams. It's time to share them with the rest of us. I'm living proof that even the strangest of dreams can come true.

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