Reflections and adventures from the teacher who journeyed 2,000 miles through Turkey relying on the generosity of strangers to prove to his students people can be trusted
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I Need Your Feedback - July 28, 2010
I'm not one for exaggeration, but I can say without a doubt that the trip has forever changed my outlook on life.
Over the last two weeks, after a couple of friends suggested the idea, I have been pondering writing a book about my blog and my adventures in Turkey. I am trying to get an idea if it might be a story that people would enjoy reading, so I've set up a simple poll with the question - "Should I Write a Book About Traveling Through Turkey?"
I've lived with this project for so long that it's hard for me to ascertain if the general population would find the topic interesting or if it is time for me to let it all go.
Any feedback, especially from writers or publishers, would be appreciated.
The poll is on the right-hand side of the blog below "Final Breakdown of Expenses."
Monday, July 26, 2010
Back Home - July 26, 2010
I planned on traveling to Panama City for another couple of days at the beach, but I decided to return to Dalton for several reasons, including my father's 77th birthday and a bad sunburn on my back.
All summer, I've had such adventures and such high expectations that good things were waiting around each corner. Now it's time to get back to reality, or is it?
One of my friends in Turkey, Umit, believes that we create our own realities. She says if we think positively and act positively, then we tend to draw positive people and positive experiences into our lives. If we think negatively and act negatively, then we attract negativity into our lives. Birds of a feather....
My location is now different, but my mindset doesn't have to change. In Turkey, I expected wonderful things to happen, and they did. I began to believe anything was possible, and I realized that my dreams were too small and needed to be replaced with much larger ones.
I don't want my new viewpoint to disappear. According to Oliver Wendell Holmes, it won't. "A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions."
From now on, my goal is to try to get beyond just minimal expectations of life and, instead, shoot for the stars. Turkey and Florida are over, but the adventures don't have to be, as long as I maintain my Turkish outlook.
I believe all of us can lead happier, more fulfilling lives if we will begin to truly expect more from life and from the universe.
As Mahatma Gandhi put it, "A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes."
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Hospitality American Style - July 25, 2010
Yesterday, Trevor invited me to a cookout. The host had a delicious spread of food, and we spent the day swimming, playing horseshoes and other games, and sharing travel stories. Since Trevor is in the military, many of his friends have traveled to locations all over the globe, and his friends all touted the benefit of spending time in other cultures.
Before I left, I had a chance to talk with the host. I thanked him for inviting me to the cookout, and I said how impressed I was with the extent of his hospitality. He said something in reply that is a good philosophy for living, in general. "It is no fun having it, if you don't share it."
When I was traveling in Turkey, many of my friends said they wanted to journey through the United States, but they weren't sure what kind of reception they would get. If my week in Florida is any indication, I would tell them wholeheartedly to come. Goodness is not limited by national boundaries.
Today, I am leaving Destin and headed to Panama City, where new adventures await. I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Florida Magic - July 24, 2010
Life presents us with countless opportunities to meet new people and to try new experiences, but sometimes we sidestep the opportunities because we're lazy, we don't want to be inconvenienced, or we are scared.
I speak from experience. I look back at my life and wonder what adventures and opportunities for growth that I missed out on because I said "no."
During my trip to Florida, I've also found myself thinking, "How did I get here?"
Over the past four days, I've seen a side of Florida, through Couch Surfing, that I've never seen before. I've eaten at off-the-beaten-path restaurants that I would never have found on my own. I've had a chance to interact with residents and get a local perspective on life in Florida, aside from just the perspective of tourists. I've had a chance to get beyond only beaches and seafood, although there's a lot to be said for both.
Just last week, a friend and I were talking about Mali. On Wednesday, my host, Trevor, got a Couch Surfing message from a woman visiting her brother in Destin. It turns out that she just returned from a two-year stint in the Peace Corps in Mali.
Her brother is involved with the show Le Grand Cirque, which is similar to Cirque du Soleil. Last night, he gave us tickets to the show, and so I found myself on the third row again asking myself, "How did I get here?"
I didn't expect much out of the show ahead of time, but it was one of the best productions I've ever seen. The troup of Chinese acrobats twisted, tumbled and balanced in ways that I thought were impossible. If you ever have a chance to see the show, do it.
I'm staying one more night in Destin, and tomorrow, I think I'm headed to Panama City for a day or two, where I hope to stay with another Couch Surfer.
What will happen there? I have no idea, but I know it will be good. If I've learned one thing this summer, it is that we need to raise our expectations in life and quit settling for the minimum and mediocrity.
I'll close with a quote from A.A. Milne, who wrote Winnie-the-Pooh. "Time is swift, it races by; Opportunities are born and die...Still you wait and will not try - A bird with wings who dares not rise and fly."
WEATHER UPDATE: I'm sure you've heard about the storm in the Gulf of Mexico. It isn't expected to come anywhere near Destin, but if conditions change, I'll leave.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Americans are Pretty Amazing Too- July 22, 2010
After one of the best months of my life, I am having trouble leaving Turkey behind and reacclimating to a daily routine in the United States.
Even though Destin is on the Gulf of Mexico, there's no oil here, just a little bit of seaweed, but yesterday that didn't stop anyone, including me, from swimming and enjoying the waves.
Trevor said he decided to join Couch Surfing because his ex-girlfriend had great experiences overseas with the program, and he, too, believes most people are inherently good.
Florida is 5,000 miles away from Turkey, but Trevor gave me a similar warm welcome, and like my hosts in Turkey, even though we had just met, Trevor handed me a key to his house, since he had to leave for a few hours last night because of a previous engagement. "Make your self at home," he said, as he left.
America is full of unwarranted fear. Part of the problem is the media. I say this from the perspective of an ex-newspaper and television reporter who left on good terms and who doesn't have any axes to grind.
Media outlets, especially television stations, tend to focus on the aberrations in society and present them as if they were the norm, but home invasions and drive-by shootings and swindlers are not the norm. Most people are kind, hard working, and are not trying to take advantage of their neighbors.
I also blame the business world because fear sells. Fear sells guns. Fear sells burglar alarms. Fear sells gated communities.
Likewise, I blame governments around the globe. Fear is used to keep populations distracted and under control and to pursue political objectives.
As author Marianne Williamson puts it, "Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learn."
Couch Surfing might not be for everyone, but it is yet another reminder that the universe isn't an evil place. As I learned in Turkey, wonderful things often happen when we are willing to dream more, to trust each other more, and to begin to live with higher expectations.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Ripples Continue Spreading - July 19,2010
Yet, to date, I have had 3,205 visits to my site from 39 U.S. states, 37 foreign countries and two territories.
I chose a blog for my project because I wanted to show my kids that with the internet a person doesn't need a lot of money, a lot of power, or a lot of connections to get noticed. All a person needs is a dream.
During my trip, both a newspaper and a television station in Turkey's third largest city, Izmir, did stories on my trip. A couple of hours ago, I received word that an internet news service today in Izmir also did a story. Here's the link, although it is in Turkish.
I continue to be humbled by the reaction to my trip, and I'll leave you with this thought. If an unknown, public school teacher from a small city of 27,000 people can use the internet to get noticed in 38 countries and to find people willing to finance a month-long trip in Turkey, what can you achieve over the internet?
The world is hungry for new ideas and new dreams. It's time to share them with the rest of us. I'm living proof that even the strangest of dreams can come true.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Now It's Your Turn - July 18, 2010
I've put my passport away, but there are still six weeks left in summer, so why not consider a trip overseas.
Domestic travel is great, but international trips include the added thrill and benefit of exposing visitors to new cultures, new ideas, and new ways of seeing reality, all of which help break down some of the barriers that exist among nations and differing political, philosophical and theological ideologies.
Or to put it another way, it is hard to hate members of another culture if a visitor has a chance to interact personally with members of that culture.
Even though I've often encouraged friends and acquaintances to go abroad, people frequently tell me, "I can't go to _________because I don't know the language."
In an ideal situation, a traveler to a foreign country knows the language ahead of time. I speak Spanish, and this has enabled me to have many enriching experiences journeying south of the United States because I knew what was happening around me, and I could share ideas.
However, not knowing a language shouldn't keep one from leaving one's own borders.
For my trip this summer, I learned about ten Turkish phrases, which helped me immeasurably and which generated laughter throughout Turkey when I butchered the pronunciation.
I can't emphasize enough the power of a simple "merhaba" (hello). It tells Turks that a traveler cares enough to at least attempt the language. Also, I can't emphasize enough how much it can irritate a person in a foreign land if a traveler just walks up and begins speaking in his own language, assuming the other person understands. Unfortunately, Americans are very guilty of this one.
I've found that the secret to successful international travel is the ability to reawaken some of the skills mastered during kindergarten and the willingness to risk appearing foolish.
Gesturing is a wonderful tool for communication. Here are some of my favorites.
- The Pointer - Pointing is useful for ordering food, shopping, and choosing from items on lists, especially when the traveler in question sometimes has trouble in bus terminals pronouncing the names of certain Turkish cities.
- The Stomach Rub - This is an excellent way to indicate to a host that one is full or to demonstrate one's appreciation for the meal. One night, I applauded for the chef who cooked my kababs. He laughed and shook his head but seemed to appreciate my enjoyment of the dinner.
- The Thumb Raised Upward - I've used this gesture repeatedly over the years to communicate approval, understanding, and good will. Hey, it worked in Ancient Rome, worked for Fonzie, and still works for hitchhikers.
In addition, a sheet of paper performs wonders. I've written down addresses, telephone numbers, departure cities, and just handed it over for assistance. A blank sheet of paper also enables helpers to write down bus schedules, prices, and other valuable information.
It isn't always easy to communicate with gestures, but somehow the messages always get through.
I'm hoping that my summer trip through Turkey will give me more credibility in my classroom next year. I constantly tell my students to take chances with English, even if they might look silly.
The next time a student hesitates in class, I'm going to tell him or her that I made some pretty foolish gestures in Turkey to communicate, including my gesture for locating the bathroom. I'll leave that one to your imagination, but I got my point across, and students and adult travelers can too.
I would highly recommend Turkey, but if Turkey isn't to your liking, there are almost two hundred other foreign countries to visit. Life's short. Why not?
I hope you've seen repeatedly over the last month, through my experiences in Turkey, that another reason not knowing a language shouldn't be a deterrent to international travel is because the world is full of benevolent people who want to help you with your journey. The universe is a good place. It's O.K. to get out and explore.
Earlier this week, one of my Couch Surfing friends, Grace, sent me a quote that I can't get out of mind. The author was Anne Frank, the Jewish girl who wrote a famous diary about the two years that she and her family spent hiding from the Nazis during World War II.
Even with the horror that surrounded her, Anne wrote this, "It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Thank You! - July 14, 2010
For two miles, I strolled under the beautiful canopy, which shielded me from the hot afternoon sun and which filled me with excitement of what lay ahead. I felt like I was in some kind of Garden of Eden and that anything was possible. That's how I felt throughout my trip in Turkey.
I've traveled to more than 20 countries in my life and have often been treated with kindness, but nothing in the past compared to what I encountered in Turkey.
Strangers allowed me into their homes and within hours were treating me like members of the family. People that I met on the street offered me assistance with everything from letting me borrow cell-phones, to dinner invitations, to walking a mile out of the way to help me find an address.
At first, it surprised me. Then, I came to expect that good things were waiting for me at every turn. I was never disappointed.
I can say without a doubt that Turks are the friendliest, warmest, most generous people that I have ever met.
To give you an idea of the level of generosity, during the month that I was in Turkey, I spent just four nights in a hotel. The rest of the time I stayed with families. Repeatedly, my hosts wouldn't let me pay for anything, and many of my hosts gave me keys to their homes, even though we might have met only hours before.
If you are even slightly considering visiting Turkey, go!
Because I received such generosity, I didn't have to spend much money during my month-long trip in Turkey. My donations totaled $553.95. I spent only $395 (See final expenses listed on the right side of my blog under "Images of Turkey").
Keep in mind that Turkey isn't cheap. The guide books I read said I should have expected to spend at least $30 USD a day. I averaged around $13 a day, but I was far from roughing it.
My major expense was bus travel, which makes sense because I covered more than 3,440 km (2,150 miles) in my 15-city tour of Turkey.
The only city I planned on visiting was Istanbul, where I flew into from the United States. Every other city I visited was at the suggestion of my Turkish hosts. If someone said visit a place, I felt that was the universe telling me to go, so I went. All of the suggestions were great.
So what am I going to do with the $159 this is left? As promised, I am going to give the money to the three charities that the world voted on, but I already made a decision to give some of the money to a recipient in Turkey.
Before I left for the airport, I had the equivalent of $16 left in Turkish Lira.
Rather than exchange the money, I decided to ask my host to give the money to the next Couch Surfer as a gift from the Traveling Teacher 2010 project. It seemed fitting for me to end my trip in Turkey with a small token of generosity, since I received so much kindness throughout the month. I hope none of my benefactors objects.
That means that I am donating $143 dollars to the three charities - Doctors Without Borders, Catholic Relief Services, and Save the Children.
My friend Umit was right. I asked the universe for two things - benevolence in Turkey for a month and money left over for charity. She said I was very clear about what I wanted, and the universe responded.
One of my major beliefs about benevolence is that kindness leads to more kindness, just as evil leads to more evil. I will never be able to adequately express my gratitude to my donors for making my trip possible or to the Turks who showered me with love.
I am truly touched, and all of you have inspired me to give back a little something, as well.
In addition to the $143 left over for charity, I have decided to match the $554 in donations to Traveling Teacher with a donation of my own. This morning, I mailed the following checks - $234 to Doctors Without Borders; $233 to Catholic Relief Services; and $233 to Save the Children.
This trip was never about money. It was about benevolence. Both my donors and the Turks have taught me a great deal about generosity. Thanks for your example.
So, without knowing it ahead of time, each cent that people donated to Traveling Teacher 2010 achieved two purposes - it gave me an adventure of a lifetime, and hopefully, the money will also make life better for the people who will receive services from the three charitable organizations.
One of the lessons that I have learned from my trip is the power of kindness. I don't think I will ever be able to forget the man who walked a mile out of his way to help me find an address or the numerous bus drivers who made it their mission to make sure that I arrived at my destinations safely.
Another lesson that has sunk even deeper into my soul is that anything is possible. Before the trip, I believed it, but even I had to shake my head when I realized that half-way through my trip I had more money than what I had started with in America.
For years to come, I hope to draw upon this travel experience with my students, so that the next time someone tells me he can't go to college, I can share stories from my time in Turkey. Dreams do come true. I just finished a 30-day dream.
Finally, I've learned that we all need to raise our level of expectations. Far too often, we expect the minimal out of life and get it. This trip has shown me that there are limitless possibilities awaiting, if only we believe.
Back in August 2009, I launched my blog and told only six people because I wanted to see if the site would spread. I had no idea if anyone would ever read the blog. Yet, as of today, I've had more than 3,000 visits to the site from 39 U.S. states; 36 foreign countries; and two territories.
Back in August, I had no idea if anyone would ever donate a cent to my site. Less than a year later, I was flying into Istanbul with $350 in my pocket, an amount which eventually grew to $554.
Back in August, I had no idea how I would be treated if I ever made it overseas. Less than a year later, I found myself in the midst of the kindest group of people I have ever met.
Expectations, expectations, expectations. We all need to expect more.
As I'm writing this post, my now completed trip still seems like a dream. It's a dream that might never have happened.
In the past, I've sometimes shied away from new experiences and new opportunities due to fear, inconvenience, confusion, or any of a number of other reasons.
The day after I thought of the idea for Traveling Teacher 2010, I began to immediately question it. "It will never work.....People will think it's crazy...." We've all done it.
Fortunately, I spoke to a couple of people who encouraged me from the beginning. Otherwise, I might have spent the summer in Dalton, Georgia.
I've learned it is important who we share our dreams with because those people can either spur us on to new heights or crush our dreams.
I had my share of naysayers for this project. The week before I left for Turkey, I went to a party, where someone asked me what I planned to do during the summer.
That person had traveled extensively, including to Turkey, so I was surprised by his reaction to my planned trip.
"You won't survive more than two days," he said. He then added, "In the eyes of the Turks, you will be a walking dollar," and people will take advantage of you.
How far from the truth those statements were, but if I had listened to him early on in my decision-making process, I might never have launched the blog. Then, I never would have had the thrill of finding myself aboard a floating restaurant speaking at a Rotary Club meeting in Turkey.
Before I wrap this up, I want to thank several people. First, I would like to thank all of my benefactors. For whatever reason, you decided to open your wallets and send me money. You believed in this project and made my dream possible. I am humbled by your kindness and will forever be grateful.
Second, I would like to thank all of you who gave me emotional support both during the planning stages of my trip and the trip itself. I would especially like to thank my friend Joanie, who also bought my plane ticket, and my parents, who have given me nothing but encouragement for my endeavors over the years, no matter how unusual they might seem. I love you both.
Finally, I want to thank the amazing people of Turkey. In particular, I want to acknowledge my numerous hosts, including Aziz, Büşra, Deniz, Dicle, Gökhan, Jim, Mehmet, Onur, Özgür, Patricia, Recai, Reyhan, Serdar, Tuğça, Umit, and Yeşim.
Your kindness overwhelms me. I hope to live up to your examples in the future.
When I started this project, I wanted to demonstrate to my students and to my readers that people are basically good. After my month in Turkey, I am more convinced than ever that this is true. Perhaps, some of you after reading about the kindness of the Turks might have now arrived at the same conclusion.
In August, my students return to the classroom. This fall, I hope to share some of their reactions to my trip on my blog, but for now, I'm left with the same question that I asked my kids more than a year ago - "Could a person who had no money travel around the world relying on the generosity of strangers?"
I can wholeheartedly, and filled with gratitude, say that the answer to that question is an overwhelming- YES!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Back in America - July 13, 2010
I will have much more to say tomorrow, but I wanted to leave you with my last incident of kindness from Turkey.
Anger doesn't work in airports. Still, I've seen many travelers try to get what they want with force.
This morning when I arrived to check in for my flight, I was hit by the prospect of a two-hour plus line to get my boarding pass. Hoping to find a kiosk, since I had no bags to check, I went to an information desk.
The man in front of me was playing the role of the "ugly American." For several minutes, he berated the woman at the desk. Eventually, she shut down and began to react negatively. I couldn't blame her.
When I approached the window, I was determined to create a different impression of Americans. I greeted the woman in Turkish. I asked her if she spoke English, using Turkish.
I explained that I had no baggage, but she apologized and told me I would still have to go through the line. I smiled, thanked her in Turkish and began to walk away.
Before I could take ten steps, a supervisor stopped me and sent me to a desk at the front of the line. Five minutes later, I was on my way to the gate.
As my friend Umit repeatedly told me, when we send kindness into the universe people often respond with kindness.
I'm not suggesting to use insincere displays to try to get things in life. That's odious and normally transparent. What I am suggesting is that the "ugly American" role is just that, ugly, and it creates an ugly impression of Americans.
Kindness is a lot more affective and makes life a lot more pleasant.
Sleep awaits. I will share more tomorrow.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Back in Asia - July 11, 2010
It seems fitting that I spend the last day with Gökhan. He was my first host in Turkey and after experiencing his hospitality, I left his home full of confidence that great things lay ahead over the next month. Even I underestimated just how much kindness would be awaiting me.
Today is a special day in Turkey and around the world. Later tonight, we will learn who is this year's World Cup champion in football (soccer). I will be camped out around the television like everyone else.
Tomorrow, I'll head back to the United States. I might not have time to write tomorrow, but I will have much more to say when I get back.
However, I will say this right now. I can't express how much I appreciate all of my benefactors for making this trip possible. Even after a month, sometimes it still feels like a dream. It never would have happened without your help.
I'll close now because some of Gökhan's friends will be coming over soon.
By the way, I think that the people of Spain will be dancing in the streets tonight after a win over the Netherlands. You heard it here first.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Farewell Bursa - July 10, 2010
After a second wonderful day in Bursa, I had to, with great sadness, return to Istanbul.
Thanks, Mehmet for everything. I hope the next Rotary Club meeting we attend together will be in the United States.
Friday, July 9, 2010
One of My Best Days in Turkey - July 9, 2010
In addition to its current economic importance, Bursa is also known for its past. The first capital of the Ottoman Empire was located here in the 1400s. Yesterday, I went to tour some of the sites from that time period.
In the photo below, this might look like a tapestry on the wall in the Yeşil Mosque, but actually the wall is covered with hand-painted tiles.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Back In the West - July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Mountains and the Black Sea - July 7, 2010
I felt honored to be giving something back to the Turkish people for a change. Since I couldn't find any formal volunteer work in Turkey, maybe my informal contribution is to help a few people with their conversational English, at least I'd like to think so.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Turkish Riddle - July 6, 2010
Did I say something to offend him? Did he not like what I was wearing? Was he saving the seat for a friend?
No, in Turkey bus companies for long-distance routes can't sell a ticket to a man if he is unrelated to the woman in the seat next to him or vice versa. A woman already had the seat, so I was out of luck.
The measure is designed to prevent harrassment.
Fortunately, Aziz, my Couch Surfing host, was with me because he also was catching a bus, and he was able to find me the last empty seat on another bus.
In Turkish, Aziz means "saint," and he lived up to that name throughout my visit, especially tonight. Even though Aziz's bus was five minutes from leaving, he insisted on taking care of my needs first, at the risk of missing his own ride.
I've got a couple of hours to kill before my bus leaves, so I stopped into an internet cafe to write this post.
It's moments like this that I remember the most when traveling overseas. I'm 5000 miles from home in a Turkish bus station after midnight. I can't understand the language, and I'm all alone, but I'm happy.
Life seems exciting and full of endless possibilities. The next adventure awaits.
Eating Turkish Style - July 5, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Underground Turkey - July 4, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
More Guardian Angels in Kayseri - July 2, 2010
New Donations
June 22 = 20 Turkish Lira = $12.60
June 22 = $52.75 - 1.83 (PayPal fee) = $50.92
June 23 = $20 - 0.88 (PayPal fee) = $19.12
June 25 = $100 - 3.20 (PayPal fee) = $96.80
June 29 = $25.00 - 1.03 (Pay Pal fee) = $23.97
Total Donations = $203.41
Transportation = 161.55 Turkish Lira = $101.77
Food = 81.54 Turkish Lira = $51.37
VISA (to enter Turkey) = $20.00
Lodging = 30 Turkish Lira = $18.90
Ephesus Entrance = 20 Turkish Lira = $12.60
Exchange Fees = 3.90 Turkish Lira = $2.49
Internet Fees = 2 Turkish Lira = $1.26
Total Expenses = $208.14
That means I have $345.81 left to spend over the last 10 days of my trip. It is looking more and more like the universe will respond to both my dreams - spending a month in Turkey and having money left over for charity. Incredible!