Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Lesson in Patience - September 22, 2009

It's now been a month since I tossed my idea into the universe, creating internet ripples that have passed before the eyes of readers throughout the U.S. and radiated to 14 other countries, but the ripples have slowed recently.

Today, one of my students asked me if I've received any more donations. "Nope, I'm still at $10.08," I said. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, one of my students replied, "Mister! Now you really do have enough money to take a trip – to McDonald's."

Once my laughter and the laughter of my students died down, I used the occasion to talk about dreams.

My current dream is that the universe will send me across the globe to share my discoveries with my students and my blog readers; that, hopefully, we can raise some money for charity; and, in the process, that maybe a student or adult will be motivated to pursue his or her own dream.

A few people have called my dream crazy, but I remain confident that I will be going somewhere this summer because I continue to believe that the world is a friendly place. As I told my students today, I have faith that something good is waiting just around the corner.

Many of my students also have dreams, such as graduating high school, having a successful career and raising families. Like me, I told my students that they, too, will face periods in their quest for a dream when the goal seems out of reach and when the ripples have seemingly stopped. Rather than being discouraged, I told them that is the time to push down the doubt and remember that adversity is the price of chasing a dream, but in the end, adversity makes the attainment of a goal all the more satisfying.

Stayed tuned, and thanks for reading my blog.

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