Sunday, January 6, 2013

Death is Waiting - January 6, 2013

We spend most of our lives trying not to think about it, but the unfortunate reality is that none of us can avoid death. Last week, I had a personal reminder that sometimes it comes a lot sooner than expected.

We can cease to exist at any moment, but we tend to act as though death is something that can be controlled, an event that can be put off indefinitely. How else can one explain the manner in which we utilize our precious, ever dwindling seconds on earth.

Instead of focusing on our dreams, we often settle for what’s comfortable or focus on what the world says is important like acquiring possessions. I speak from experience when I say that after you’re gone your loved ones with sort through those seemingly important possessions and throw a lot of them in the trash.

Rather than vowing to lose weight or watch less television, maybe our New Year’s resolution in 2013 should be to live more, to figure out our passions in life, to dust off our dreams and pursue them with gusto.

Death is waiting, and it could be waiting just around the corner. Why not start living now.

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